
[Day 06] Say this as today's affirmations (이렇게 오늘의 확언을 말해보세요)

전업백수 2023. 8. 3. 09:28

※ 직접 타이핑 한 것으로 오타가 있을 수 있습니다!  
   나중에는 딕테이션(듣고 받아쓰기) 예정입니다 

제목 :  Say this as today's affirmations (이렇게 오늘의 확언을 말해보세요)

내용 : 

Try this(이것을 시도해보자) for today's affirmation(확언, 단언).

I love myself unconditionally(무조건적으로).

I'm grateful(고마워하는) for a new day and, a new opportunity.

I'm letting go(그만 붙잡고 있다) of all the things that don't serve me.

I'm having a blast(아주 즐거운 한때를 보내다) in the process of reaching my goals.

Everything is working out fabulously(엄청나게).

I believe I'm already super successful.

There is nothing I want to change about my past.

I embrace(받아들이다) all my flaws, fears, and unstableness(불안정).

I'm fully confident in my skills to make my goals come true.

I believe in my bones that anything is possible.

I enjoy doing the hard things.






