
백수연합회 전체보기 46

[내돈내산] 홈플러스 보리먹고 자란 돼지 등갈비 & 호주청청우 안심 스테이크

올만에 연휴길래 고기 사재기를 하는 중입니다 홈플러스 보리먹고 자한 돼지 등갈비 100그램당 2890원 호주청청우 안심스테이크 100그램당 9180원 ​ 40프로 세일에 추가 쿠폰 8프로 45프로 할인 받아 샀습니다 ​ ​ ​ 고기상태는 안심은 조금 아쉽고 갈비는 상태 좋은것 같습니다 ​ 갈비는 모두 냉동실에 넣을 생각입니다 ​ #홈플러스 #등갈비 #안심

[거상] 전설장수 신궁 주몽 만들었습니다

전설장수 신궁 주몽 만들었습니다 ​ 250 김유신 ​ 245 개량 화룡차 ​ 249 개량 불랑 248 각성 도라 ​ ​ 봉기부는 사라지네요 ㅂㄷㅂㄷ ​ 보너스 스탯 955개 받았습니다 ​ ​ 현실적으로 하위 200전직하고 마지막만 250전직했을때 972개 스탯인데 955개면 뭐 괜찮다고 생각합니다 ​ 각성장수들 250까지 키웠으면 더 좋았을텐데 저는 하위 용병들 저렙전직이라 아마 250까지 키워도 963개 받았을거 같아요 8개 그냥 쿨하게 버렸습니다 ㅠㅠ ​ ​ 재료비는 대충 ​ 뇌전의속성석 20 6,000,000 120,000,000 뇌전의정령석 20 2,200,000 44,000,000 영웅의영혼석 100 2,500,000 250,000,000 영혼이봉인된호리병 4 240,000,000 960,000..

게임/거상 2023.10.17

[Easier] Palm-alt Oil

※ 직접 타이핑한 것으로 오타가 있을 수 있습니다! 나중에는 딕테이션(듣고 받아쓰기) 예정입니다 제목 : Palm-alt Oil 내용 : Palm oil is used in many things we eat and use every day. It is in food, in beauty products, and biofuel. However, producing palm oil leads to environmental damage because of deforestation(삼림벌채). A team of researchers in Scotland believe they have found an alternative to palm oil. Scientists from queen Margaret Universi..

공부/영어뉴스 2023.09.25

[Easier] Store staff get body cameras to protect themselves

※ 직접 타이핑한 것으로 오타가 있을 수 있습니다! 나중에는 딕테이션(듣고 받아쓰기) 예정입니다 제목 : Store staff get body cameras to protect themselves 내용 : Workers in supermarkets in the U.K. can now wear body cameras to protect themselves from attacks by customers. More and more staff are being punched or threatened with knives by angry people. Many sales assistants and checkout staff are afraid to go to work. They are tressed, and th..

카테고리 없음 2023.09.07

[Harder] Mystery of radioactivity of Germany's wild boars

Radioactivity(방사능) wild boars(야생돼지) have been roaming(돌아다니다) the forests of Germany for decades. Scientists believed their radioactivity was due to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster. However, the animals' radioactivity has long mystified(혼란스럽게 만들다) scientists because while levels of radioactive caesium in other animals has decreased over the years, radioactivity in wild boars has persisted(지속되..

공부/영어뉴스 2023.09.06

[Easier] Japan releases Fukushima water into the ocean

※ 직접 타이핑한 것으로 오타가 있을 수 있습니다! 나중에는 딕테이션(듣고 받아쓰기) 예정입니다 제목 : Japan releases Fukushima water into the ocean 내용 : Japan has started releasing radioactive(방사성의) water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean. The plant was hit by a huge earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. After the power plant was damaged, the power company stored radioactive water in 1,000 giant tanks. The water has b..

공부/영어뉴스 2023.08.31

[Harder] Elon Musk to remove blocking feature on X

※ 직접 타이핑한 것으로 오타가 있을 수 있습니다! 나중에는 딕테이션(듣고 받아쓰기) 예정입니다 제목 : Elon Musk to remove blocking feature on X 내용 : Elon Musk has announced he will remove the blocking feature from accounts on X, formerly known as Twitter. Mr Musk, who is the owner of X, said user would no longer be able to block comments from unwanted followers. Under the new policy, X users will be unable to restrict individual accounts..

공부/영어뉴스 2023.08.26

[Harder] Micoplastics found in human heart for first time

※ 직접 타이핑한 것으로 오타가 있을 수 있습니다! 나중에는 딕테이션(듣고 받아쓰기) 예정입니다 제목 : Micoplastics found in human heart for first time 내용 : While many of us are aware of the environmental damage done by plastic, fewer people know about the threat from the ubiquity(편재) of microplastics. Scientists first found them in our bodies more than a decade ago. Worryingly(걱정스럽게도), researchers have now found them in the human heart. ..

공부/영어뉴스 2023.08.21

[Easier] Walking 4,000 steps a day linked to longer life

※ 직접 타이핑한 것으로 오타가 있을 수 있습니다! 나중에는 딕테이션(듣고 받아쓰기) 예정입니다 제목 : Walking 4,000 steps a day linked to longer life 내용 : Many people around the world monitor how many steps they walk everyday. This is due to studies that suggest 10,000 steps a day is enough to help us stay healthy and live longer. A new study says just 4,000 steps a day could be the magic number for us to live well into old age. Research..

공부/영어뉴스 2023.08.18